If you want more love, give more love.If you want people to be patient and respectful to you, give patience and respect.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Mari bersama-sama
Salam...Diharap pembaca sekalian dapat meluangkan masa untuk bersama-sama menyedekah kan Al-Fatihah untuk kedua orang tuaku... Semoga mereka sejahtera dan berbahagia di sana...Amiin...
Terima kasih di atas keikhlasan pembaca semua.. Hanya Allah yang dapat membalas jasa kalian...
'Crying was an acceptable outlet, even if it made you feel raw and empty inside, it was still better than that build up of resentment that grew from not letting your emotions out.' -Dorothy Koomson for My Bestfriend's Girl-
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