Monday, May 31, 2010

Demam bola?

*dr atas kiri ke kanan: Ruud Van Nistelrooy, Hasan Sas (dulu glemer main untuk turki), Ronaldo (pemenang kasut nya tahun xmain sbb udah tue..), Ronaldinho (glemer sbb..terer..kot??), Nakata (pemain Jepun..muka mcm ..tet...LOL!), Oliver Kahn (keeper glemer), Michael Ballack (no komen), Zinedine Zidane (pemain France..pun udah tue...)

Salam semua...

World Cup..semua org dh terasa bahangnya sekarang..
the truth is aku bkn nya fanatik sgt ngan bola sepak, tp bila World Cup,I am quite follower..hehe
Aku pun xtau knp aku tengok world cup..mungkin semangat kenegaraan ku lebih tinggi dr semangat ke'kelab'an (kelab2 bola sepak maksudku..mcm Arsengal,Liverfool dll..aku xtengok sume tu..betoll..)
tp ku suka Arsengal..(mgkin sbb nama2 pun dh sengal..erkk??)
mula2 ku tengok world cup 2002, waktu tu negara feveret adalah Brazil..ada 3 ke 4 R yg jd tonggak..Ronaldo botak (bkn Christiano Ronaldo), pastu Roberto Carlos, Ronaldinho dan Rivaldo..<--betol?aku pun xpasti.. waktu tu Form 3, kitorang tengok world cup kat kafe waktu prep.. *info-->Prep: kelas persediaan yg lazimnya dijalankan kat sekolah2 berasrama..matlamat adalah untuk menyediakan pelajar2 ke kelas samada digunakan untuk buat kerja sekolah, stadi, dan selalunya ia digunakan untuk berfoya2 bersama rakan2...aku suka..

Bez waktu tu...pemain2 brazil yg lincah..Photobucketsuka tengok dorang main..waktu final kitorang tengok kat dewan..ingat lg,waktu gol kedua ronaldo..dekat2 nk gol tiba2 black out..hahah..letrik ada balik tengok2 org dh besorak..dh gol ghupenye..LOL..

2006, aku mula masok UMP.budak2 tengok world cup pas solat subuh..tayang kat luar masjid..kalau xsilap..gempak kan??

tahun ni, aku tengok kat rumahla..ada B.yond..boleh tengok puas2..haha
* semalam tengok friendly match between Japan n England.keputusan: Japan(1) vs England(2) yg plg BEZ,tiga2 gol dijaringkan oleh pemain JapanPhotobucket..hahaha

P/s:Nistelrooy xmain world cup..tpaksa ku cr player lain untuk d jdkan galang ganti...sbr ya ruud (bkn rud..keh??)..huhu

lg satu persoalan...knp kalau tengok bola yg international,nmpk padang tu cm kecik je?kalau malaysia punya nmpk cm luas sgt je pdg tu..kemetot sgt ke org malaysia??jepun lg tengok semalan jepun dh bnyk evolusi..keeper diorang pun dh sm tinggi tiang gol..hukhuk

Memula ku kenal bola sepak aku di introducekan ngan Pablo Aimar..sgt comel!!Photobucket

Friday, May 28, 2010

Apa beza manusia zaman sekarang dan haiwan?

Allah telah berfirman bhw manusia adalah ciptaanNYA yg plg sempurna..cukup segala sifat, dikurniakan akal untuk membezakan baik dan buruk..manakala haiwan hanya ada otak tp tiada akal..
Tetapi,zaman sekarang,adakah kesempurnaan itu menjamin segalanya?malas nak tulis pnjg2,fikir2 lah sendiri apa perbezaan plg ketara antara manusia zaman sekarang dan haiwan..

Dh nmpk perbezaan ketara??sedangkan haiwan ganas mcm singa,harimau pun ada perasaan kasih.xkisah la kasih kat manusia atau anak2 yg penting,diorang berperikemanusiaan..manusia pulak dh xberperikemanusiaan apatah lg perikebinatangan..perangai pun lebih teruk dr binatang..lepas ni xpyh la nk kutuk2 binatang sbb martabat manusia sekarang dh rendah dr binatang kot..

Malaysia sekarang semakin tenat..dengan murtadnya,bunuh membunuh,khalwat,dera,kahwin campur,kahwin lari yang tak tau sah ke tidak sah nya,dadah,buang bayi,hidup atau mati..yg dh cukup sempurna sifatnya..dhla dh buat dosa berzina, tambah lg dosa membunuh..astaghfirullahal this the price we have to pay for being a developed country?and more sadly,most of the cases include muslim people...
Nabi Muhammad saw smpai ke nafas terakhirnya masih lg teringat dgn umatnya.."Ummati..Ummati..",ummati sekarang??sedihnya..sedih melihat anak2 muda yg xboleh d gambar dgn kata2..
Dimana silap sebenarnya?didikan dr rumah?sekolah xcukup mengajar?pemimpin terumbang ambing??
xguna menuding jari kat sesapa..semuanya berpangkal pada hati dan iman masing2..think before u act..sebab tu Allah kurniakan akal..

P/S: video menarik mengenai kasih seekor ibu gajah yg jarang sekali ada pd manusia zaman sekarang..

Sgt Comel!i like!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


new face already..dah xsama dah..haha

-peace no war-

Sunday, May 16, 2010

POST ini teristimewa untuk sahabat baikku Noni...

First of all, Hepi BESTday my dear..Semoga hidup ko sentiasa dlm limpah rahmatNYA dan mari kita sm2 mencari keredhaanNya dlm hidup tok..n..smoga kta sm2 berjaya berjumpa MR. DARCY juak...hehehehehe

Tok ku curik dr web lain..p ku suka..n mcm promise ku ngan kau..OK???orait!!

You Are My Friend And I Hope
You Know That's True.
No Matter What Happens
I Will Stand Right By You.
In Times Of Grief
I Will Give You Belief.
I'll Be There For You
Whenever You Are In Need.
To Lend You A Hand
To Do A Good Deed.
So Just Call On Me When
You Need Me, My Friend!
I Will Always Be There For You
Right To The End!

Best Friends Forever!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Letter to U..

I want you to know that

I miss you
I miss you so
I want you to know that
I miss you
I miss you so

I'm writing again
these letters to you aren't much I know
But I'm not sleeping, and you're not here
The thought stops my heart


Dear mom..

How are you doing up there? I bet you are happy with the love of your life there..Send my regards to him...

Mom, do u remember your little girl here? Have u ever wonder how's she doing?
Is she okay? Is she happy? Is she sad?Is she OK or not?What she’s doing??
Let me tell you..She's not happy neither she's sad..she have no idea..The truth is, she's her own world..

She misses u a lot..
She misses u...
- When something good happens because you’re one person she would like to share with
- When she’s sad because u always have a good reason to comfort her
- When she’s sick or fell ill because she loved listen to your attentive care and advice (eventhough she knows herself the cure to her’s u)
- When u laugh at her stupid jokes and u reply with your lack-of-emotion-jokes that made her kept thinking where do you get such an idea???
- When she’s getting to sleep at night for now she has no one to hug and kiss her goodnight....she is still the same pampered-spoiled-little-girl that u delivered 23 years before..still loves being hug and kiss by you..something that she’s lost forever..
- When she’s going out of home..those moment when she kiss your hand and u reply with ur warm kisses...true mom..your little daughter loves to travel..she’s always away from family..from u..but, the moment she loves the best is when she kiss your hand and u kiss her back..
- When she look at you and seeing you looking back at her with your motherly and lovely eyes..
- With your advices when she’s away..always the same advices..but, she loves it just as it is the best and her favourite song afterall..
- When she’s back from her journey and you cook so many delicious food that she can’t’s too bad she doesn’t get that trait from u mom..she can’t cook..puff!!
- When u miss her and u text her asking how’s she doing??has she eaten?what are she’s having for your lunch,dinner etc??All your messages mom..She misses them..u know mom, her phone broke last year..luckily she can fix’s not she loves that phone very’s just, the phone contains your old messages that she doesn’t bother to delete it because she loves it..she read and read and read and never get tired of them..that is SO her..
- ALL THE TIME!She misses you ALL THE TIME..there’s no single day she never think of you..NO..NEVER..her brain is occupied with all the memories that she shared with u and her dad that she doesn’t have the time to think about anything else..except for the life she’s heading now..don’t blame her if she doesn’t shows any interest in any guys because she finds it hard to believe if there’s any guy who can cure her ill-hearted heart...who can take a good care of her..maybe not as good enough as u and her father have done..but at least, he is like her father, who is scared to lose her even he knows she always belong to her from the start..

Mom..your little girl laughs so hard on the outside because she thinks she deserved it for she has cried a lot mom..she cried in the toilet..she cried in the bus..she cried looking at your picture not more than 5 minutes..she cried in front of her monitor..and..she even cried in her sleep..not once..not twice..a lot....she really miss you..

But mom..don't worry..she's still breathing..still alive..still smile..laugh histerically..make jokes of everyone around her..she's still the same little girl u have left before..she has her brother and sisters around her..taking very good care of her..she has a lot of great friends around her..whom she enjoys being with them..gather a lot of experiences..but..she is still her own world..she have no idea how to escape from her world..she loves being there..she is...your little heart has shattered..

People believe that she is strong..she proves that by continue living..she picks all the broken pieces of her heart piece by piece..slowly..crying in despair for the pain..she endured the pain by being crazy..people say she IS crazy..she’s OK with that..well, she doesn’t really care what people to people sorry for her, she prefer being the crazy one..maybe,she is crazy..

She seems to has a lot of regrets in her life mom..She regrets that she doesn't have a chance...
- to ask you, are you proud of her?
- to see u smile when she received her scroll for her degree..
- to see u cry of pride and joyous at her graduation day...
- to introduce her other half (if there’s any) and ask u if u agree with her...
- to see u hold her first baby..and wonder if she can be as GREAT as u..
- but, most of all she regrets the most is..because she doesn’t get any chance to wish u Happy birthday and Happy Mother’s day anymore..Happy birthday mom..and Happy Mother’s Day..She thanks you for given her a chance to be your daughter even just for a little while, she really appreciate it and she knows you are the BEST mother for her..She loves U more than anything..After all, she just wants to know, are you proud of her??are you mom??

P/S: When will we meet again??

your little daughter...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

'Crying was an acceptable outlet, even if it made you feel raw and empty inside, it was still better than that build up of resentment that grew from not letting your emotions out.' -Dorothy Koomson for My Bestfriend's Girl-