If you want more love, give more love.If you want people to be patient and respectful to you, give patience and respect.
Friday, August 21, 2009
salam ramadhan
salam ramadhan semua..
ye..seperti tahun2 sebelumnya.ramadhan dtg lg..
aku gementar puasa tahun ni..
aku tau sbg seorang islam,bulan puasa adalah bulan yg paling ditunggu2..yelah,bulan seribu keberkatan..
aku?xtau nak cakap macam mana..
ini 1st time aku puasa tanpa mak di sisi..lain sangat rasa..sebelum ni aku selalu bygkan mcm mana la puasa aku taun ni..aku x boleh nak gmbrkan mcm mana perasaan tu..susah sgt nak ditafsirkan..
awal2 puasa,ramai member aku balik rumah..nak sambut puasa ngan famili..ngan mak bapak..aku dah beberapa tahun xbuat mcm tu..yg ada dalam otak aku sekarang hanyalah gambaran masa2 dulu..
sahur,berbuka,pegi bazaar beli makanan bersama2..memori je tinggal..nak merasa semula sebuah keluarga yg lengkap untuk makan bersama2,mmg xmungkin lg..tahun ni,xde lg kot org nk mesej2 aku waktu sahur,berbuka dan tanya makan apa?yelah..mmg lazim insan bernama mak ni akan tanya pasal makan kita,minum kita,sehat ke??
sejujurnya...Aku rindu...amat rindu...teramat sangat...
aku rindu semua..aku rindu mak..aku rindu bapak..aku rindu rumah...
aku hanya nampak kuat dari luar..tp,bila beremosi begini,aku xboleh nak kontrol...kadang2 aku rasa airmata dah kering..tekak dah pahit..tp,dah mmg sifat aku emosional dan suka berfikir dan terkenang,aku menangis lg..untuk kesekian kali..walaupun ada stephen chow atau wilber pan untuk menghibur hati,tp jauh di sudut hati aku tetap terasa sendu...
harapan aku di bulan mulia ni,aku dpt beribadat bnyk2 untuk kedua orang tua aku..
Ya Allah,tempatkan lah mereka di kalangan orang beriman...
aku tau walau berapa banyak aku sayangkan kalian,tetap tidak dapat menandingi sayangnya Allah kepadamu...
tabahkan hatiku menempuh ramadhan dan syawal yg bakal menjelma...
Selamat berpuasa semua!!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Like A Song
Another cool song i want to share from Lenka Kripac..
those who likes cute songs,let's welcome Lenka Kripac...
Like A Song
I can't forget you when you're gone,
You're like a song that goes around in my head
And how I regret, it's been so long
Oh what went wrong? Could it be something I said
Time, make it go faster
Or just rewind to back when I'm wrapped in your arms
Ah ooh...
Dum da de dum....
All afternoon long it's with me the same song
You left a light on inside me my love
I can remember the way that it felt to be
Holding on to you....
I can't forget you when you're gone,
you're like a song that goes around in my head
And how i regret, it's been so long
Oh what went wrong? Could it be something i said
Time, make it go faster
Or just decide to come back to my happy heart
Ah ooh....
those who likes cute songs,let's welcome Lenka Kripac...
Like A Song
I can't forget you when you're gone,
You're like a song that goes around in my head
And how I regret, it's been so long
Oh what went wrong? Could it be something I said
Time, make it go faster
Or just rewind to back when I'm wrapped in your arms
Ah ooh...
Dum da de dum....
All afternoon long it's with me the same song
You left a light on inside me my love
I can remember the way that it felt to be
Holding on to you....
I can't forget you when you're gone,
you're like a song that goes around in my head
And how i regret, it's been so long
Oh what went wrong? Could it be something i said
Time, make it go faster
Or just decide to come back to my happy heart
Ah ooh....
Friday, August 14, 2009
Warkah terakhir
aku baru lepas tengok cerita warkah teraher,rosli dhobi..xhabs tengok lg..br smpai episod 6.ada lg 2 episod..xsanggup pulak nk tengok smpai habis..
mula2 aku tengok sbb cerita ni dlm bhs srwk..hehe..semangat la sikit ditambah dgn gelagat org melaya bercakap semenanjung..kelakar pulak tengok..
tp serius cerita ni mmg menyentuh hati (bg aku la sbb aku kan suka tengok cerita dgn penuh penghayatan)..byg kan dlm usia 17 tahun tu,rosli dhobi dah buat satu pengorbanan yg sgt besar..
aku ni??dh 22 taun,tp aku xnmpk lg pengorbanan aku..part plg sedih waktu rosli dhobi bg ucapan kat kwn2 dia..sedih nya..
sekarang aku rs x wujud lg kot lelaki mcm rosli dhobi dlm zmn sekarang..dia bijak,berani,yakin,pandai agama,hensem dan yg sewaktu dgn nya..banyak lagi la kualiti lain..tu la sbb ajal dia sampai awal kot,takut ramai pulak pempuan berebut kat dia nnt..huhu
lagi sedih waktu dia mintak maaf dr bapak die..pastu hari dia nk pegi membunuh tu,dia mcm tinggalkan pesan ngan sume org rumah die..mcm tau2 je yg die xkan balik lg (walaupun ahli rukun 13 bgtau yg dia xkan dihukum bunoh sbb x cukup umur lg nak dikenakan tindakan undang2..secara lojiknya,xperlu la dia sedih2 kan..tp,dia mcm tau2 je nasib dia tu)..sedihnyee..isyy..xboleh tahan laaa...
aku rekomen kan tengok la cite ni..sempena hari kemerdekaan ni, tengok la cerita patriotik sikit..huhu
p/s: dr dokumentari hr tu,aku dgr gufren rosli dhobi mmg xkawen2 sampai tua..mmg betol la die janji ngan nyawa..setia nyaaa...
mula2 aku tengok sbb cerita ni dlm bhs srwk..hehe..semangat la sikit ditambah dgn gelagat org melaya bercakap semenanjung..kelakar pulak tengok..
tp serius cerita ni mmg menyentuh hati (bg aku la sbb aku kan suka tengok cerita dgn penuh penghayatan)..byg kan dlm usia 17 tahun tu,rosli dhobi dah buat satu pengorbanan yg sgt besar..
aku ni??dh 22 taun,tp aku xnmpk lg pengorbanan aku..part plg sedih waktu rosli dhobi bg ucapan kat kwn2 dia..sedih nya..
sekarang aku rs x wujud lg kot lelaki mcm rosli dhobi dlm zmn sekarang..dia bijak,berani,yakin,pandai agama,hensem dan yg sewaktu dgn nya..banyak lagi la kualiti lain..tu la sbb ajal dia sampai awal kot,takut ramai pulak pempuan berebut kat dia nnt..huhu
lagi sedih waktu dia mintak maaf dr bapak die..pastu hari dia nk pegi membunuh tu,dia mcm tinggalkan pesan ngan sume org rumah die..mcm tau2 je yg die xkan balik lg (walaupun ahli rukun 13 bgtau yg dia xkan dihukum bunoh sbb x cukup umur lg nak dikenakan tindakan undang2..secara lojiknya,xperlu la dia sedih2 kan..tp,dia mcm tau2 je nasib dia tu)..sedihnyee..isyy..xboleh tahan laaa...
aku rekomen kan tengok la cite ni..sempena hari kemerdekaan ni, tengok la cerita patriotik sikit..huhu
p/s: dr dokumentari hr tu,aku dgr gufren rosli dhobi mmg xkawen2 sampai tua..mmg betol la die janji ngan nyawa..setia nyaaa...
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Because i'm stupid (ini lirik lagu)
aku suka dgr lagu asing dan carik maksud..ini ost dr boys over flowers...suka!!!
Because i'm stupid
Because i'm stupid
i have no one beside u
u, who are looking at someone else
don't u know how i felt?
There isn't me in your days
and not even having any remembrance
me, who is looking at u whom i'm yearning for
always shed tears
I am happy even to be looking at your back
u still don't know how i feel
in the end u still go past me
In the days when i miss u very much
in the days when i suffered pain
'i love u' is buzzing in my mouth
crying for u alone yet again
missing for u alone yet again
baby i love u
i'm waiting for u
p/s: lirik ini xlengkap lg..sile penuhkan sendiri..mls nk taip panjang2..huhu
keadaan sekeliling yg sunyi dan mendamaikan membuatkan aku bnyk berfikir dan rindu kat org..baru sekejap td aku teringat kat sorang kawan aku ni..aku kenal kat ump ni la..
xtau kenapa tiba2 aku teringat kat dia.mcm mana dia sekarang? sbb aku rasa aku xnampak dia lagi sejak semester baru ni..sehat kot..
member aku ni ada masalah.org salu cerita kat aku perangai dia yang mcm2.aku dengar.kadang2 aku percaya(selalunya aku percaya dan cakap yang bukan2 jugak..phm2 la..typical!)..tp, bila aku jumpa dia,kadang2 aku lupa perangai dia..mcm kawan biasa..dia nak pinjam duit aku bg (mcm kena hypnotized) tp aku mmg macam tu..sort of, 'yes' girl!member2 aku yg lain akan marah aku sbb bagi pinjam..'dia xkan bayar punya!' si A cakap.si B pulak 'knp bagi pinjam??!!'..C cakap 'xkan xpaham lagi perangai dia tu??!'..dan aku cakap 'mesti bayar punya..jgn risau..' padahal dlm hati risau nak mampus..kenapa diorang cakap macam ni??kalau dia xbayar,mampus aku nk carik alasan menjawab member2 aku...ahernya aku hanya tersengih macam kerang busuk...tp, aku yakin kat kawan ku yang sorang ni..dia bayar kat aku..aku pun bangga cerita balik kat member2..dan A,B,C cakap 'lain kali jgn bagi lagi' dan aku yang xberapa boleh nak terima nasihat diorang pun buat la lagi..(sbb aku rasa kalau kita baik kat org,org pun baik kat kita...well, echo of life!u get back what u give!!)
kali ni aku bg pinjam, aku x cerita kat ABC.aku dan kawan ku je yg tau..waktu tu semua org dh heboh perangai kawan aku..tp aku xkesah,sbb dia ok je ngan aku..ada satu waktu terdesak tu,aku boleh je nak mintak tlg dia..dia baik bagi aku..huhu..as usual,sbb aku yakin ngan dia, dia pun bayar la balik..persoalannya di sini, adakah aku terlalu optimis atau ABC yg terlalu pesimis??ramai lagi spesis mcm ni kat sini..aku takut aku pun jd mcm tu..huhu...bukan ke bgs kalau sentiasa bersangka baik?watever!!!
moral of the story: aku yakin kawan aku xguna duit tu ke arah kejahatan...sbb instinct aku selalu betol!!!(cross the finger)
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Now i admit i'm a telephonobia...
first of all, dear all my friends who i ever not-picking-up your phone call or did not reply ur messages,and also for my lame excuses.. i'm truly sorry..
the truth is....i'm a telephonobia (feared of telephone) i've just discovered last week (lame)..i've known it since like forever...(that's not me in the pic)..
it started since 2005,i guessed emy still remember that night i've picked phone from home said my father passed away..i lost my mind that time..i'm not ready..i can't accept it..i just blank..before the incident i always love handphones...i really do...
after that i start to ignore any phone calls and there's some messages that i ignore..sorry guys..i know i may be selfish..there's time when u lost hope in this world and i've ever been in the state..i also know that i hv lost several friends because of that..but i don't care anymore..i didn't even take initiative to contact them back even when i have time..i'm just a BAD friend..i really do..
i just want all my friends to know that you guys are always in my heart..SORRY for not being me anymore..in fact i hv lose the real me..daaaa.....
here's some infos on telephonophobia..anyone????hehe
1. A person had a very unpleasant experience with the phone in the past - this is the most obvious way for a phobia to develop. However, it did not apply in my case. When I was a little kid, we had no phone at all, and we only got one at home after I started college. I did not have my personal phone line until about 3 years ago (isn't that exciting to know? :)), but I already had a phobia before that.
2. Telephonophobia as a result of a case of phonophobia. Phonophobia is a phobia of sounds in general. It is possible that a person had an unpleasant experience with some kind of sudden sounds in the past (and, as a matter of fact, it does not even have to be a recurring experience - even one especially unpleasant experience can lead to phobia development). Later this feeling can transfer to other sounds (like phone ring in case of telephonophobia). This is the way our brain works, unfortunately. Once a phone ring is associated with uncomfortable feelings, another round of associations kicks in, and a fear of anything related to telephones develops. This is the most likely scenario that took place in my case.
The morals of the story is that in order to treat the telephonophobia one need to find out what the initial stimulus was, that is, what sound(s) was (were) so unpleasant as to initiate the phobias chain reaction. This is complicated with the fact that once you focus on the final result (telephonophobia), your brain may even forget what caused it, and, what's even more interesting, you might not even have a negative reaction to initial stimulus that was the main cause your phobia developed! And at this point of time, I have no idea what an initial stimulus could have been...
the truth is....i'm a telephonobia (feared of telephone) i've just discovered last week (lame)..i've known it since like forever...(that's not me in the pic)..
it started since 2005,i guessed emy still remember that night i've picked phone from home said my father passed away..i lost my mind that time..i'm not ready..i can't accept it..i just blank..before the incident i always love handphones...i really do...
after that i start to ignore any phone calls and there's some messages that i ignore..sorry guys..i know i may be selfish..there's time when u lost hope in this world and i've ever been in the state..i also know that i hv lost several friends because of that..but i don't care anymore..i didn't even take initiative to contact them back even when i have time..i'm just a BAD friend..i really do..
i just want all my friends to know that you guys are always in my heart..SORRY for not being me anymore..in fact i hv lose the real me..daaaa.....
here's some infos on telephonophobia..anyone????hehe
1. A person had a very unpleasant experience with the phone in the past - this is the most obvious way for a phobia to develop. However, it did not apply in my case. When I was a little kid, we had no phone at all, and we only got one at home after I started college. I did not have my personal phone line until about 3 years ago (isn't that exciting to know? :)), but I already had a phobia before that.
2. Telephonophobia as a result of a case of phonophobia. Phonophobia is a phobia of sounds in general. It is possible that a person had an unpleasant experience with some kind of sudden sounds in the past (and, as a matter of fact, it does not even have to be a recurring experience - even one especially unpleasant experience can lead to phobia development). Later this feeling can transfer to other sounds (like phone ring in case of telephonophobia). This is the way our brain works, unfortunately. Once a phone ring is associated with uncomfortable feelings, another round of associations kicks in, and a fear of anything related to telephones develops. This is the most likely scenario that took place in my case.
The morals of the story is that in order to treat the telephonophobia one need to find out what the initial stimulus was, that is, what sound(s) was (were) so unpleasant as to initiate the phobias chain reaction. This is complicated with the fact that once you focus on the final result (telephonophobia), your brain may even forget what caused it, and, what's even more interesting, you might not even have a negative reaction to initial stimulus that was the main cause your phobia developed! And at this point of time, I have no idea what an initial stimulus could have been...
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
ting mama de hua
waktu cuti mmg bosan,so aku telah membuat beberapa research smalam(aku sebenarnya tgh carik lagu wilber yang baru..then,terjumpa lagu ni...lagu jay chow feat wilber)
bez jugak..aku xdengar mana lagu jay chow ni...aku lebih suka wilber..tipu..aku tersangat suka kat wilber(he's hilarious.bg yang xkenal tu,boleh search..rasanya xde sape yang xboleh nak xsuka kat mamat ni.termasuk aku laaa..isk isk!)
dia feymes dgn lagu bu de bu ai..aku pun kenal dia melalui lagu ni..credits to pijot nyot nyot - nurhafizah selihin..(nama penuh tu) dia yg kenalkan aku ngan lagu ni.
aku bukan la phm sgt mandarin ni tp aku suka dgr lagu diorang sbb lirik best sgt..antaranya rainie yang..lagu2 dia sgt syahdu yang membuai perasaan..adooh..pegila search lagu dia..lirik yg best2!!
bila la artis kita dpt buat lagu yg best2 ni..huhu..
ni ada sedikit petikan lagu ni..
why should i listen to mother's words?
when u grow up u will understand wat i am saying
after i got older i started to realized
why i run faster than others
and fly further than other people
in the future,people will b reading my mangas
and all the songs they sing will b written by me
mother's hard work isn't seen by others
she knows the warm recipe by heart
when u have time,
hold her hand and go to dreamland together
listen to mother's words
dont let her get hurt
u want to grow up quickly so u can take care of her
beautiful white hair,the sprouting happiness
angel's magic benevolence within(her) gentleness
lagu ni aku dedicate kpd suma ibu2 dan yg maseh punya ibu/mak/umi/mummy/mama dan yang sewaktu dgnnya...
ini jay chow..aku xtau sgt pasal dia...
dan ini wilber..muka serius??
jgn terpedaya..pecaye laaa..dia plg xserius..
kecuali waktu kerja mmg la bg komitmen..
mcm aku..dan dia jugak king of NG..haha
yang mana pilihan anda??hehe..sj nk kenalkan..ini bukan poll ok!!
bez jugak..aku xdengar mana lagu jay chow ni...aku lebih suka wilber..tipu..aku tersangat suka kat wilber(he's hilarious.bg yang xkenal tu,boleh search..rasanya xde sape yang xboleh nak xsuka kat mamat ni.termasuk aku laaa..isk isk!)
dia feymes dgn lagu bu de bu ai..aku pun kenal dia melalui lagu ni..credits to pijot nyot nyot - nurhafizah selihin..(nama penuh tu) dia yg kenalkan aku ngan lagu ni.
aku bukan la phm sgt mandarin ni tp aku suka dgr lagu diorang sbb lirik best sgt..antaranya rainie yang..lagu2 dia sgt syahdu yang membuai perasaan..adooh..pegila search lagu dia..lirik yg best2!!
bila la artis kita dpt buat lagu yg best2 ni..huhu..
ni ada sedikit petikan lagu ni..
why should i listen to mother's words?
when u grow up u will understand wat i am saying
after i got older i started to realized
why i run faster than others
and fly further than other people
in the future,people will b reading my mangas
and all the songs they sing will b written by me
mother's hard work isn't seen by others
she knows the warm recipe by heart
when u have time,
hold her hand and go to dreamland together
listen to mother's words
dont let her get hurt
u want to grow up quickly so u can take care of her
beautiful white hair,the sprouting happiness
angel's magic benevolence within(her) gentleness
lagu ni aku dedicate kpd suma ibu2 dan yg maseh punya ibu/mak/umi/mummy/mama dan yang sewaktu dgnnya...
ini jay chow..aku xtau sgt pasal dia...
dan ini wilber..muka serius??
jgn terpedaya..pecaye laaa..dia plg xserius..
kecuali waktu kerja mmg la bg komitmen..
mcm aku..dan dia jugak king of NG..haha
yang mana pilihan anda??hehe..sj nk kenalkan..ini bukan poll ok!!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
U aku dh tutup sbb h1n1..dan aku menguarantinkan diri sendiri menghadapi 9-hari-bosan yang bakal mendatang..hukhukhuk
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'Crying was an acceptable outlet, even if it made you feel raw and empty inside, it was still better than that build up of resentment that grew from not letting your emotions out.' -Dorothy Koomson for My Bestfriend's Girl-